5 Healthy Pumpkin Recipes- And Cooking Websites!


It’s pumpkin season – not just displayed on our front stoops, but in our foods as well! A member of the squash family, pumpkin is rich in vitamins and minerals. The entire pumpkin, when cooked, is edible, including the pulp, seeds, and skin. (For ease, remove the pulp strings that hold the seeds.)

Nutritional benefits:

Pumpkin contains minerals such as magnesium and calcium and is a good source of potassium and beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A. It also has some B vitamins and vitamins E and C.


Health benefits:

Pumpkin is good for the skin because it contains vitamins C, E and A (beta-carotene). Vitamin C helps with collagen formation, which is essential for our skin and wound healing and helps prevent bruising. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant and, together with vitamin C, helps protect against skin dryness and sun damage.


Vitamin A, or beta-carotene, is also good for protecting the skin protection against the sun’s UVB rays. There is also some evidence that vitamin A aids the immune system in our bodies.


Eating well:

Aside from exercise, eating well by eating nutrient-rich foods helps to keep us healthy. If fresh pumpkin isn’t possible, substitute with canned, which is also healthy.

Here are five pumpkin recipes you can try this fall:

Pumpkin Humus: You can subsitute pumpkin with squash for this delicious, easy recipe

Pumpkin Doughnuts: These are baked, gluten-free, dairy-free doughnuts.

Pumpkin Soup With Ginger And Pumpkin Seeds: Cooler days and nights means it’s soup season!

Healthy Pumpkin Muffins: These muffins are 100% whole grain and naturally sweetened with honey.

Paleo Pumpkin Pie: Yes, it exists, and it’s healthy!


It’s fun to try new recipes and ingredients. If you’re looking for some healthy cooking and recipe websites, take a look at any of these: